
Mayor of S.Korean capital Seoul found dead

Published on 2024-06-03 12:32:27 来源:International Imagery news portal

  File photo taken on Jan. 1, 2020 shows Park Won-soon, mayor of South Korea's capital Seoul, extending New Year greetings in Seoul, South Korea. Park was found dead hours after his daughter filed a missing report to police earlier Thursday, multiple local media said citing police. (Xinhua/Wang Jingqiang)

  SEOUL, July 10 (Xinhua) -- Park Won-soon, mayor of South Korea's capital Seoul, was found dead around midnight, hours after his daughter filed a missing report to police Thursday evening, multiple local media said citing the police.

  Park was found dead in Bugaksan mountain in northern Seoul.

  Park's daughter filed the missing report to police at 5:17 p.m. local time Thursday, saying he "left home four to five hours ago after leaving words like a will and his phone is currently turned off."

  About 250 policemen and rescuers had searched the mountain, mobilizing drones and police dogs.

  The mayor left his residence in central Seoul at about 10:44 a.m. local time Thursday, wearing black clothes and carrying a black backpack.

  His mobile phone signal was last detected near a temple in northern Seoul. Enditem

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